What is My Job?

The Journal of Ray Cole, a new agent, are excerpts taken from the pages of an agent who decided he was going to start a career in real estate and document what was successful and what failed. By reading this blog it will introduce you to a cost effective program of getting your real estate business up and running and give you some tips and ideas to keep it going.

I need to know what my job is and what does ‘doing my job’ entail. I know it is to sell property, but there are steps to actually selling property that I must take, they are my job also. There is a difference between tasks and ‘job’.  I used to work at the corporate offices of a company that sold farm equipment; the CEO worked out of an office there and would arrive each day at 7:00am when she was in town. I noticed that she would ask questions of everyone she met, her style was interrogatory. It became known in the building that you had to know what your job was and she would ask you, even if it was obvious. The staff in the company’s restaurant was not immune, even though their actions and uniform made it apparent. But she was not looking for that answer, everyone from the person who worked as a janitor to the CEO herself would answer the question like this, “I sell farm equipment, I do this by designing brochures for the field sales agents to use in presentations.”  Or “I sell farm equipment, I do this by serving refreshments at the corporate office and contribute to the culture of the company.

I want to apply this to my business, I want that clarity, I SELL HOUSES, how do I do that? That is what my focus must be. So yesterday after my contract class I asked one of the other newer agents what she thought her job was. She answered that she was a real estate agent of course!  How am I going to sell houses? I need a plan, goals and knowledge.  In reading the real estate sales books, there is a common thread that can be seen which comes back to having a database to which you market your services.  There are many other ways of getting leads through the internet and by advertising your services to a broader spectrum,  I don’t have the money to spend on ads and websites just yet, so I need to create a plan which allows me to grow my database and then work out what I am going to do with it.

JOB #1

Be One with the Paperwork. – Almost accomplished, there are so many forms, but I have the basics, I know the purchase and listing contracts and can speak about them and make sense, I need to master them. Using my favorite book “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy, I will apply those principles to the mastering of the forms. In the book he explains that if we make small changes and over the course of time the trajectory is magnified, the example of 2 degrees off course at the start of a flight will mean the destination is far from where you intended the longer the flight. Reverse that thinking that small steps will compound into big change. The old eating an elephant one bite at a time, I have one form a week to master, I have scheduled 15 minutes each day to read that form make notes on it and nail it. This week I have the brokerages general disclosure which accompanies the purchase contract to master, two pages and 9 sections.

Job #2

Start a real estate database.

My brokerage provides me with an online system of entering contacts and emailing them, it’s a standard customer relationship management system which I am going to use to get it going. I have a personal goal of expanding my database by 10 new contacts a week, that is not nearly going to be enough but it is a start. I have added all my family, friends from my phone, I have loads of facebook friends but that will require a lot of sorting out as some are people I don’t even know who added me. I have 76 contacts in my database and the next step will be to decide what to send them and how often. I am simply sending each one an email with a personal message (cut and pasted of course).



I hope you are well and the family is doing good, I have just started my own business and wanted to give you a quick update. I have decided that my interest in the property market could not be satisfied any more with just buying and selling houses. I will be working with buyers and sellers all over the world purchasing and marketing property. I will keep you up to date with how that is going as I progress. I will give you a call next week and give you my 2 minute update. In the meantime, if you have any interesting property stories or hear of anyone needing help let me know.



Hi Aunt Bessy

Hope you are well, looking forward to visiting you in July, I have started a new business, I will give you all the information later, but for now, if you know anyone who is thinking of buying or selling a home let me know. I will tell you why when I speak to you.



Do Something

I am sure that improvements can be made to the message but they will do for now, I will search the internet later for refinements. Our instructor told us a story at real estate school about a sister of his who listed their house for sale and didn’t ask him for help. He realized he was telling everyone he knew what he was doing but forgot to ask for business. I am willing to learn by others mistakes.

This Weeks Focus

Master Forms

Grow and Update Database by 10 New Contacts

Ask to sit in an Open House with an experienced agent this weekend

What the Heck is My Job?

The Journal of Ray Cole, a new agent, are excerpts taken from the pages of an agent who decided he was going to start a career in real estate and document what was successful and what failed. By reading this blog it will introduce you to a cost effective program of getting your real estate business up and running and give you some tips and ideas to keep it going.

Journal Equals Accountability

It seems odd writing a journal entry about writing a journal, but I guess I have never examined why I do it as much as I do, it was great in middle school for homework and has helped me since. How has it helped me?

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your own heart.” — William Wordsworth

It gives me focus and repetition; it helps me assemble my thoughts daily and allows me to be honest with myself. I start by writing my overriding goal “To be the best husband, father and person I can possibly be, to give more than I receive and learn something new each day.” Each year, I write this 365 times! It reminds me of who I am each day and subconsciously it stays with me throughout the day. Sometimes I write many pages and other times just a few lines. During the day, if I see something I like or want to recall later I make a note of it.

I become accountable to myself and as I have been self-employed for many years, by reading back a few days, I look at the promises I made myself and see if I am making good on them.


Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Dave Ramsey and many others have talked about laser sharp focus as a key to success.  If you don’t know what to focus on then how can you expect results? So I write my focus down in my journal and by writing it at the start of each day I tell myself over and over again what it is. I have even resorted to a tip I read about recently. I change my password on my computer each time I change my focus. For example, my focus at the moment is my first transaction in real estate. So my password is Get1Contract. It reminds me every time I log into my computer what I have to do. I will change it regularly as my focus develops and grows. I googled “Mission, Vision and Values” and am working on defining them. I have to define what I want to be in real estate and I am not there yet.

I have found that the world of real estate is one of many rabbit trails, as soon as you think you have a plan then another shiny object looms and distracts you. Yesterday I went to a class on “Getting Leads From The Internet!” I sat in the class and was enthralled at the many ways Facebook, Zillow and other sites can be a source of leads. Half way through the class I asked myself if this is what I should be focused on. Yes and No, I really don’t know. So I scoured the internet and found a great article on tools for success, in fact I found hundreds of articles.

What I should be doing NOW!

My research into ‘tools for success’ led me to realize that if I was an airline pilot, it would be crystal clear what my job was. I have to know how to take off, how to fly straight and how to land.  I suddenly realized I didn’t have a clue what my job was, I knew it was to sell properties but what were the mechanics of that. How can I have laser sharp focus if I don’t know what my job entails?

I sell houses, I do that by knowing the law and regulations, I have passed the real estate exam and know what paperwork is needed. Or do I? Of course not, I am going to block time each day to read contracts, know what addenda are available and when to use them. I am going to learn quickly the nuts and bolts of a transaction and then have a checklist for myself.  The other agents in the office are very helpful but there are a lot of moving parts and the people that seem to know what they are doing are busy with their own business, the ones that have time to chat are not who I need to emulate.

My Affirmation of the Week

This week, I am going to read the commonly used purchase contracts and addenda and find out which ones to use in each different scenario. I am going to know the purchase contract inside and out, there will not be a box or line on the contract that I will not know how to fill out. When an agent gets an offer from me they are going to be blown away with my efficiency and knowledge. They will look at it and think “This Guy Knows His STUFF!!” In a few days you can ask me about the purchase contract and I will pretty much know everything there is to know about it, after all it’s only 11 pages long. I am going to write down each section heading and then write notes. I will write a list of questions when I can’t find the answer. The only classes I am going to attend are contract classes. I will be one with paperwork.

This Week’s Plan

  1. Learn all there is to know about the contracts and paperwork
  2. Make some sample buyer and listing files
  3. Start my database, get 10 new contacts
  4. Get out my old yearbooks
  5. Buy a lockbox – not sure why, but it seems to be common
  6. Call all brokerages in the area and find out who has classes on contracts in the next week
  7. Read the contract and purchase agreement every day
  8. Make an appointment with the broker/compliance officer
  9. Practice with daughter filling out an offer to purchase
  10. Change my password to Iam1withtheContract

Master a Schedule and Make the Schedule Your Master!

The Journal of Ray Cole a new agent, are excerpts taken from the pages of an agent who decided he was going to start a career in real estate and document what was successful and what failed. By reading this blog it will introduce you to a cost effective program of getting your real estate business up and running and give you some tips and ideas to keep it going.

Journal and Calendar Equals Focus

I learned early at middle school that it was important to be organized, the teacher told us to buy a book and write down our homework assignments, I then had to present this every day to my parents and on a Friday afternoon give it to the teacher for review. It was the first time I had been held accountable for tasks and realized it was going to be my lifesaver. I also learned that a calendar or planner was an essential tool which would save me in times of chaos.  I prefer to write with a pen instead of typing, some people prefer to type and keep an online calendar. I write the journal in ink and keep a calendar using Google, by having the calendar on my phone and computer I am constantly reminded by alerts as to what my day is comprised of.

On Sunday night at 5:00pm I receive a text alert to attend an appointment with myself, I chose this time and day as it seems to work for me,  50 weeks of the year this time is never interrupted. I go to a quiet place for 15 minutes and plan my week.  I firstly add social events and color them in red, these are family commitments and appointments that cannot be cancelled. As a graphic artist my time is sometimes governed by other people’s emergencies and I am sure my real estate career is going to be equally demanding.

Weekly Planning vs Daily Reaction

On a Sunday night in that short 15 minutes, I can look at my personal and social appointments and make changes if necessary. I have a list of tasks each week that I know need to be completed, that is how I make my living at the moment. I know I work best early in the morning and between 6am and 9am is the time to get these done. Experience has shown me that I can accomplish more in 3 hours in peace and quiet with a cup of coffee than I can in 8 hours in a chaotic environment. It works for me so I never get interrupted, not many people call at that hour.

I identified that my main distraction points were my phone and email. During these three hours I don’t open email, I leave my phone off in the drawer and use a headset with calming sounds to keep me staring at my work on the screen. I am sure as I start my real estate career in earnest this might become a time to do paperwork also.

Being self-employed and working out of a home office has many advantages, working the first three hours in pajamas is one of them for me. My reward for the 3 focus hours is the 30 minutes of luxury at 9:00am; I actually schedule a shower and breakfast into the day. The next thing I schedule is client appointments, my business scheduling will change when I start working in real estate and I am sure I will need to be more flexible. My instructor said that buyers normally want to look at houses at the weekends and definitely in daylight. By allowing what I call flexible hours I can accommodate my client’s needs.  At the moment I schedule between 2:00pm and 5:00pm for client meetings, some days there are no meetings, I have a backup task for those times.

I always need to prepare standard templates, so I use that as the backup task. No customer meeting equals template design time for me.

To summarize, my schedule is my life, if it is not in my schedule I either would not think about it or it would vanish into the pit of all the things I have not done. Over the past years I have added all the tasks I have to accomplish in the week. I always put weed killer in the flower beds on a Saturday at 9:00am, if it’s raining I slide the appointment to another free time spot, if it was not written in my schedule I know I would just keep looking at the weeds. I am eager to see if this time discipline can be applied to what seems to be the wacky world of real estate. All the books I have read suggest that is a key to real estate success. Looking at my schedule for next week, I have the real estate exam and 2 meetings with Brokers to decide where I am going to hang my license. The scheduled time for journaling is up and the next 2 hours are slotted for taking old real estate tests, if I don’t pass the exam those classes will be all for nothing. Phone and pen away, back to the task in hand!

Starting My Real Estate Career

The Journal of Ray Cole a new agent, are excerpts taken from the pages of an agent who decided he was going to start a career in real estate and document what was successful and what failed. By reading this blog it will introduce you to a cost effective program of getting your real estate business up and running and give you some tips and ideas to keep it going.

Choosing the Career

I had bought and sold a house, I was generally pleased with my experience and felt that the agent who worked with me was professional but I felt like there was not good communication from them. When I bought my first home 5 years ago, the agent was attentive to my needs and it was a pleasant experience. When it came to selling the home three years later, I used a different agent to list my home after a few failed attempts at selling it myself. The agent I chose was based purely on a recommendation from my neighbor, they were friends and my neighbor said he was a ‘good agent’. That was the sum total of my research into him. Needless to say it became apparent that although he was a good agent, he wasn’t doing enough, in my opinion, to sell the property.

After we finally sold the property at a loss, I moved out of the area and decided that I would subsidize my income I received as a graphic artist by taking the real estate exam. After all, if my agent drove a sports car and was not that impressive, I thought that with my ambitions and willingness to learn that I could do better.

Here we are 2 years into my real estate career and I get asked all the time what I did that got my business up and running quickly. The first thing I always say is that I kept a journal and had a plan.

The Journal

During the real estate school class breaks, I listen to the others in the class and notice there is a pattern to the conversation. It appears that everyone knows about the commissions that brokerages offer, there is talk of ‘splits’ and office dues. I also notice no one talks about the learning opportunities. The class is great, the instructor rattles through all the various rules and regulations, but there is little about the practical side of it all with the exception of some throwaway tips ‘Keep your car clean’.

After the class today, I went to the first real estate office I saw on the way home and went in. There was a lady at the desk and she pleasantly asked me how she could help. I told her I was researching brokerages and wanted to know more about their office.  She eagerly called the broker and she came out to the lobby and invited me back.

I sat in her office looking at the awards on the shelf as she was getting us both a drink. I was quickly formulating some questions for her. She sat and hit me with the first of many questions. “When do you need your first paycheck?”  Woah, I was not ready for that question. “Soon.” It was all I could think of. The meeting went on with her telling me about the awards and the way the commission works, she told me about classes and free stuff that was very alluring, I forgot that I had to buy lockboxes and signs maybe. I was totally unprepared for the meeting but smiled sweetly at the end of it and promised to contact her after my exam. When I got home today I grabbed a notepad and scribbled some questions which I will have with me next time I go into an office.

Choosing a Brokerage

Here is what I know now, it was not me looking for a job, I should be interviewing the broker, if they don’t want me then I don’t want them.  So next time I go into an office here is what I will ask. I may even email them the questionnaire and see who responds!

  1. How many transactions has this office closed in the past 12 months/last month?
  2. How many of those transactions were listings sold and which were buyer side only?
  3. Who are the top ten agents and how many deals did they close?
  4. What is your market share in the zip codes surrounding the office?
  5. Who owns the office?
  6. How many agents do you have on your roster?
  7. How many agents closed more than 12 transactions in the past 12 months?
  8. Obtain a copy of their training calendar for this month and the last.
  9. Do you have a coaching program, how much is it to participate?
  10. What social or community events do you have?
  11. Is there an online marketing system or contact management system available to agents?
  12. How do I speak to the broker when I have a legal question?
  13. What other tools do you provide to build my business?

The 13 questions were enough, I thought, for a first meeting. Each question seemed to beg more questions.  Here is how I came up with them! I have read nearly every real estate book out there and many business books. This is what I condensed from them, you are only as successful as the people around you, why would I bother working at an office that was not already successful. I would have to temper that with the other side of the coin, would they have time for rookies.  I looked at the statistics for the county and can see that the top agents seem to work with a variety of different brokerages, each one has a star!, So will that star have time for me and my inquisitive mind, how did that person become the star, are they given leads or do they get them. It was also apparent in looking at the statistics that there were a lot of offices which had only 5 or 6 agents and only 2 or 3 were selling anything. I saw a lot of big offices with a lot of people but only a few actually sold anything. This is difficult, as a person who has sold a home and made a bad choice in my agent, what would I do better.  In a perfect world, you would want someone to list your house that had a proven track record of success. If you choose a surgeon, you would want one who has picked up a scalpel before, but that does not seem to be the case, I must be missing something. – More research is needed.

It’s crazy, driving round I notice all the for sale signs in yards and there does not seem to be any discernable pattern. Half of me says that if I see a lot of the same person they must be successful, but is it just that they have not sold them!!! – More research is definitely needed, I am concerned at why there are so many agents out there and so many that don’t show any results, who are these people?

12 Days of Real Estate – The Gift of Knowledge

Old Dog New Tricks

I went to a class in a real estate office this week and found that there were only three people in the class. I was invited to attend because I had called the Broker wanting information about a new paperwork system that was being used. There were 120 agents working with the Broker and they all had the opportunity to use the new system.  I sat through the class which was presented by the instructor in a professional and informative manner, she taught it as though there were a 100 people in the room.  Afterwards I asked the Broker if the classes were always so small, he said that it was not easy to get people to come to classes because agents seemed to be resistant to change and felt they knew enough.

The Value of Classes

I had found myself over the past few years being busier and busier and when time was tight, I would put off education opportunities and very soon found that I had fallen behind with new ideas and technology advances. I flicked through REALTOR magazine and mainly looked at the pictures. My awakening came in the summer when I was teaching a class myself and foundsanta teacher blog there was a student who was better informed on the subject because of a recent article I had missed on Home Inspections. I vowed to time block educational and reading opportunities outside of my realm of expertise.  This is why I think that classes seem to be filled with newer agents and the seasoned Vets tend to not think education is for them.

6 Reasons You Go Back to School for an Hour Each Week

  1. It’s a great networking opportunity
  2. You may think you know the subject but if you get one ‘nugget’ its worth it
  3. Your experience is welcomed at Q & A time
  4. You need a change of pace
  5. Leaders are constantly learning
  6. They sometimes have cookies and candy at the events

How Do I find Classes?

Most real estate offices that are worth their salt have a packed training calendar. Don’t be afraid to cross lines and visit offices that are not your brokerage or franchise. Ask fellow agents from other companies for their training and events calendar or call the office and most times they will send you one. All these classes are free !!!! Personally I have tried some online courses, they are fine for technical subjects and law, but the best classes I have attended are where a Top Agent in the area teaches about their business and shares tips.

Don’t forget the Board of Realtors, they have some amazing classes and its a network dream come true.

12 Days of Real Estate – Pushing to The Holidays – Branding

Branding and Real Estate – What is it all about?

When I was in Law Enforcement many of the poor souls I arrested said “I want to call my lawyer.”  I would always ask who that would be, and in most cases they would not have a name. Ask people who their doctor is and you might get a better response. Oddly, when pushed to name 2 lawyers people would fare better because all you have to do is think of a side of a bus or a TV ad, but are they YOUR lawyers. Same with car dealers, jingles and pizza delivery.brand blog

So how do you become ‘front of mind’ in real estate, how do you become the name who when the word real estate is mentioned, your name is immediately proffered. Does it cost a lot of money? Who can help me?

The Ripples of Fandom

Walk into your family Sunday lunch and shout “Who is the greatest real estate agent in the WORLD?’  Hopefully your name will come up, if it doesn’t, it may be time to reconsider your sales career. Now the same thing should happen when you walk into the Elks Lodge or Walmart or the Superdome……..how do you get there. As the great philosophers say, start with a single step, design a plan and don’t hang your hopes on anything that doesn’t breathe, walk and talk. Websites are great, bus stop signs are great, but you have to have skin in the game, get belly to belly with people and let them know who you are.

Give the Family a Script

I am sure your family will say that you are the Greatest real estate agent in the World, but then teach them the WHY! Because Daddy sells more houses for less money and in less time than……..

What is Your Brand?

I travel around a lot by road and am I immediately drawn to the For Sale or Sold signs. I love to visit places and see who is the most prolific real estate agent in town. Last year I went to a town in Maine and before very long I noticed that there was an agent that seemed to own a for sale sign farm, they were planted everywhere you looked. Her smiling face and the logo “Let me take you home” . I was visiting family, and over lunch asked the question “If you were going to sell your house (remember my referral please.) who would be the local person to sell it for you?  Of course, take you home girls name came up immediately. Was she a good agent? Who knows, frankly if I was not involved in real estate and did not know anyone, I would call the Board of Realtors and ask which agent sold the most houses. That would be my first step!

Local Brand – Local Business

Anecdotes are not scientific surveys, more of a thought provoker, but it was interesting to note, despite TV ads and NASCAR wraps, the actual name of franchises rarely come up in that conversation. I am not the first to say this, but real estate is a personal business. I wonder if anyone says, “Honey lets sell the house, call <Insert Name of Large Franchise>” There are some dirty little secrets and subtext when it comes to franchise advertising.

Decide on Your Brand

What are you going to be? The sell your house in 30 Days or I am free guy. The Open Houses all weekend everywhere lady, The Calendar on the fridge lady. They all seem to work, but the agents I work with who have had the most success seem to be the ones who start with the pebble in the pond, the family, the family friends, former colleagues, church, clubs, etc etc. Their brand is their personality and then they make themselves available. They then build on it from there and create a look and a style that is unmistakably them.

If you want advice on how to get your branding up to speed, I would be happy to recommend some free steps to take – e mail me at hello@the80percent.com or call 352 400 1511.

The 12 Days of Real Estate – Pushing to The Holidays – Outsourcing

The Starched Shirt

When I first entered corporate America I used to prepare my suit each day and meticulously press and starch my shirt. I would steam my suits and put a sharp crease in legs and arms. Dressed to thrill! As I got busier at the office, the evenings were long and I was getting home in time for a 6 hour sleep and back to the office. A colleague pulled me aside one day and gave me a coupon for a dry cleaner and laundry. It was his subtle was of saying I was looking bad……. I had fallen into the DO – DON’T DO or Outsource Trap.

The Real Estate Success/Time/Effort Spiral of DeathOutsource Options

In real estate sales you are often a victim of your own success and that means you are prevented from real growth because of your own glass box. You are trapped in the DO or DON’T DO syndrome. For example, a coaching client became very good at calling expired listings. Had great scripts, got the appointment and listed the properties. He was so excited, he needed the money, I mean really needed it, church mice gave him handouts.  But in order to manage the success of listings, he let his lead generation time suffer.  The death spiral of many agents.

The Cure

We use a system in coaching of color coding your time, green highlights in your schedule are events which bring you money, never, never, never, never do anything else in that time slot. The red color are times set aside to do those tasks you HAVE to do, if you don’t you will annoy your customers and maybe end up in real estate jail.  The yellow colored highlighted area is for time to complete tasks you SHOULD do.

So, getting back to my wrinkled shirt, ironing was not in the green zone, but it was in the red zone. If I neglect to look professional at the office, my green would diminish immediately. So I chose to outsource that task, a long and mutually beneficial relationship developed between my cleaner and I. So when the tasks become bigger than the day, you have to choose DO – DON’T DO or OUTSOURCE.

My Life (Assisted by Others)

Outsourcing in real estate includes hiring an assistant, using a real estate runner to fix signs, secure lockboxes and fill those pesky flyer boxes. Many top agents use a contract to close company. Whenever I see an agent getting busy with a flyer or going to the Board to buy lock boxes, I know it is a hobby jobby for them. They have not hit the level of business that will squeeze their GREEN time to the point where they have to get assistance, or they just don’t know yet the path to success.

My grass is cut by a company, shirts cleaned, vehicles maintained, house cleaned and I shop online for pretty much everything. I employ people to do tasks that I don’t have time to do, but they need to get done. “BUT!”, I hear you shout, what about the weekends and the time you spend on the boat? That’s my time, I have color coded it RED – I need that time so that I have a purpose for the GREEN time.


If you have not already, examine your life. Is everything you are doing relevant, have you planned every minute of  the day or are you accidentally falling through the days, weeks and years hoping it will all get done. Get on purpose, there a boatload of books out there about this subject, The Seven Habits…..Compound Effect…..Tipping Point…The One Thing…….make some red time and read them. Invest in your success, that means you have to give to take!!!!!!

Twelve Days of Real Estate – Pushing to the Holidays – The Party Pooper

Tis The Season

Ever been to a social event and been cornered by the person trying to sell you the latest juice from the rain forest of New Jersey? I had a recent experience which made me evaluate how to make contacts in a social setting.  I set myself 5 rules to live bydrunk Santa Claus posing with a bottle of whisky

1) If you go to a party and you have had a few adult beverages, then don’t talk about business.

2) If you do talk about business, don’t try to sell anything.

3) If you are speaking to someone – don’t hand them your business card. Find a point of the conversation that needs follow up and do this. “Jill, its been a pleasure talking to you about your hobby of ant farming,  can you send me a photo of the farm” Then pull the pen out of your pocket and the scrap of paper and get THEIR email address.

4) If you are directly asked the question “How is the market?” – Respond “Why do you ask, I will be happy to send you an amazing statistic on Monday”  – Go for the pen and scrap of paper again.

5) To use a phrase I have begun to really understand….’always come from a position of contribution, never ask for something, always think what can you give. The power and laws of attraction are incredibly powerful, and by following up with people you meet socially, even to drop them a thank you note will earn you a raving fan.


Excuse me shouting, but I am serious, you waste all these good contact opportunities by not putting them in your contact management system. Our office is full of business cards and cocktail napkins this time of year. Our clients know the importance of follow up and get those valuable connections on a subtle drip campaign.  If you play it forward to next year at the party and you see the same faces, what do you want them to say about you? Pushy? No – Professional? Yes!  So don’t send your listings to them, send them your informative monthly  newsletter and maybe a small token gift at a holiday.

Who knows you may start getting invited to their party !!!

Twelve Days of Real Estate – Pushing to the Holidays – Grumpy People

Twelve Days of Real Estate – Pushing to the Holidays – Gift Two

So previously I gave the gift of rethinking being in the office. Now my second gift is this advice….BE NICE!!!! If you spend any time with real estate agents you will notice there are three disctinct types of person in the business.

1)      The quiet and efficient person who always smiles and says Hi, then scurries to the next task, deeply focused and pleasant.

2)      The chatty, friendly person who is always there to help and never closes a deal.

3)      The grumpy grouch who does OK, but fights for every deal, no one really likes them, but they command an odd respect because they bully you into believing they are deserving of respect




I remember managing an office and being confronted by an agent who stormed into my office during my first few weeks and demanding that they should not have to pay a referral to another agent because ………….blah blah blah. After the tirade, I investigated the allegation and found they had been wronged and explained that they would be made whole in the deal. The rant continued and an hour later I heard the person still berating the agent, the office and the universe.  I asked them to leave and place their license elsewhere.  They were taken aback and exclaimed that they brought so much money to the office. Maybe, but all the newer agents that were intimidated were skipping in the halls.


If you are a newer agent, offer to hold open houses for listing agents, send a notecard to an agent who gave you advice. Smile and be pleasant, take a moment and show a newer agent what you are doing to build your business.  If you see a for sale sign fallen over, stop and pick it up. Help a Boy Scout across the road. Whatever it takes be nice and become a team player. The universe will work for you.


12 Days of Real Estate – Pushing to the Holidays – 12 Gifts

I Got My Real Estate License For Thanksgiving

Shall I wait till the New Year to begin or shall I start now?  Adopt the urgency of now!

I wander through offices and see the ‘getting ready to get ready’ agents. They are primping their websites, printing flyers for other agents, messing with their lockboxes. Those lockboxes may not get used, if you don’t get ready to get rich. The office is a black hole, desk duty can thwart your success. See my earlier blog!!!

MY Gift to You

There are no Lords a Leaping, Gold Rings or Dancing Bears (huh?) these are just tips to make you money. So the first gift of the season, is this tip. in my next blog there will be 2 and then 3 etc.

Take 12 days in December, any day and spend the first few minutes of the day affirming what a great real estate agent you are, try this:

Scaredy Cat Office

“I am only going to be in the office if I am actively lead generating, that means talking to people who are ready, willing and able to buy or sell a house in the next 60 days.”

Get OUT – Go talk to people, go to the Mall, I hear its busy this time of the year, (I will skip that one). Meet people at holiday open houses.  Get OUT of the office. Now, lets not get crazy and abandon those valuable hours of lead generation time you can spend on the phone. Your office is just for that. Think of how you can meet people, visit expired listings, hold an open house, call on FSBO’s that do not have a phone number. Wear your badge and volunteer wherever you can.

When Do I go To The Office:

  • To conduct Buyer or Seller meetings
  • Always attend your brokers all agent meeting. Its rude not to
  • When there are free doughnuts
  • When you can safely lead generate